Disaster Recovery is about the Big Picture.

Disasters come in all shapes and sizes. Even things relatively minor as losing power for a few hours or suffering a ransomware attack could spell curtains for your business. And recovering from a disaster can be very expensive and include not just man hours and equipment replacement, but also lost business opportunities. So it’s essential to have a comprehensive Disaster Recovery plan for your business.

But creating a complete Backup and Disaster Recovery plan is a challenge. Securing it, future-proofing it, rigorously testing it and simplifying can be harder still. That’s where we come in.

96% of businesses that have a Disaster Recovery plan will fully recover after an incident*. Only about 50% of those without a DR plan will recover at all. Lets get you started with our free Backup and Disaster Recovery Plan. Get your free template by clicking the button below.

Next Level Protection - Your Backup and Disaster Recovery e-Guide

Download your Backup and Disaster Recovery Guide.

Including your free Disaster Recovery Plan template

Types of Disasters you need to be ready for.

Disaster recovery has historically been out of reach for all but the largest enterprises. Not so anymore. With the cloud, disaster recovery becomes accessible to even the most bootstrapped startup. With that accessibility comes a responsibility. Businesses of all sizes and maturity need to ensure that they are disaster proof.

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    Natural Disasters.

    At a global cost of $175billion in 2018, you need to be geographically diversified to ensure that your business can recover when nature strikes.

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    Hardware Failures.

    Not something that you can easily anticipate but hardware failures are a fact of life. As equipment ages, your risk increases.

  • Software Glitches and Viruses icon

    Software Glitches and Viruses.

    Malware, randsomware and viruses are one thing, but even a well-intentioned software upgrade can wreak havoc.

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    Human Error.

    Often overlooked, your staff can sometimes have a massive impact on your systems and business continuity regardless of the intent.

4 reasons why Disaster Recovery is better in the cloud.

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    Reduced Capital Investment.

    Your cloud-based recovery solution is a pay-as-you-go arrangement meaning you don't have to invest and maintain expensive infrastructure.

  • Macquarie Cloud Services Disaster Recovery

    Fast Recovery.

    With an excellent recovery success rate, cloud backup services also deliver intelligent de-duplication and single-step recovery which means quicker data restoration.

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    Your Backup has Backups.

    It's not just that the cloud is geographically diverse, your disaster recovery provider has redundancy and backups of their own so it's virtually impossible to lose your data.

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    Easily Scalable.

    Your disaster recovery solution will scale to fit your growing needs on a pay-as-you go basis so you have complete control of what mission-critical systems are backed-up.

Building a solidly tiered Disaster Recovery plan is a big challenge in itself. But then testing it is a nightmare for business continuity – it can be painfully disruptive and prohibitive.

An ideal Disaster Recovery solution should be simple and effective not to mention, with lightning fast Recovery Time Objectives (RTO’s) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPO’s). Macquarie Cloud Services has the answer.


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