New financial year, new normal, new partner?

July 7 2020, by Ricci Danieletto | Category: Cloud Services

As your business begins its COVID Re-boot, make sure it has a Technology Services partner equipped to drive it into FY21.

Review & Reflect.

The start of the new financial year has for the first time since COVID-19, given us something to look forward to.

The soundbites have been aplenty since the World Health Organisation announced a global pandemic on March 21 2020. A plethora of Australian businesses had to radically change the way they transacted with their customers, suppliers and most importantly staff members…with varying success. Sadly, many businesses also perished

So whilst the way in which we work has been heavily impacted, so too has the location to which many of us now work from. To thrive under the non-negotiable demands in a global pandemic, businesses either increased their cloud consumption or truly embraced cloud for the first time. With change on the horizon yet again, but this time with the added resource of a little more time, now seems a good a time as any to really review and reflect on the actions taken during crisis and what the future could hold for your IT strategy.

To all IT professionals, you and your technology providers should now be taking the time to answer the following?

Azure essentials

  • How much of what you introduced and standardised stays or goes?
  • For the solutions that stay, how can you optimise and stabilise them for long-term use?
  • How can you go back and document the policies, practices and processes that were informally reworked or altered during the crisis?

“Digital transformation of work has traditionally been the domain of big business, but in recent months, technology has helped hundreds of small businesses pivot their operations and workforce,” Zoho’s Remote Working Revolution report found.

For the past 104 days businesses have shifted their centre of operations from corporate offices, business parks and skyscrapers to thousands if not millions of home offices across the country. The corporate network now exists via a 4G, 5G, NBN or xDSL connection, and every single meeting takes place…”in the cloud” In recognising all this, maybe now is the time you plan FY21 with a partner by your side that you trust to help you not just survive but thrive in the uncertainty of the future.

Partner of choice.

3 key things to consider when choosing an IT partner:

Finding a partner who can help you navigate our soon to be new normal is not the issue, but rather working with the right partner could be the determining factor for a successful strategy.

1. Knowing that things change, is the name of the game in IT, however you should know that a true partnership from your provider is not a trend or fad but rather a non-negotiable part of delivery from day one. Corporate customers have been overcharged and underserved by the ICT industry for far too long. Now more than ever, businesses need partners that they can truly rely on. Our commercial transparency ensures there are no nasty surprises. The onboarding of our customers includes the introduction to a dedicated customer service team right from the get-go, and available to you 24/7. Can your current provider do the same?
2. When it comes to Managed Cloud/Service Providers, Macquarie Cloud Services has one of the best Net Promoter Scores in the country, we continually measure this via ALL customer corridors because it provides us a real time indication of how we are doing, I’m yet to see any of our competitors come close to our score year to date.
3. Work with a partner who understands the macro environment, the message in the media is clear the normal we knew before is gone, the term hybrid is here to stay. With the introduction of Australian’s first dedicated Azure practice to an 18 year long standing relationship with Microsoft to our best in class private platform, means the hybrid IT has never been more topical. Understanding what should sit where not just for your overall business strategy but in line with your business continuity plans, should be something your IT provider can address in a simple consultation.

Whatever choice you make be sure that they serve to suit your needs right now, your desires for the future and are equipped to deal with anything that may arise in between.

Ricci Danieletto

About the author.

Ricci heads up our Sales, Marketing and Principal Consultancy teams. He has worked in the ICT space for over 20 years and prior to joining Macquarie Cloud Services, founded and operated his own Cloud & Managed Services business. Pre-ICT, Ricci’s worked in Hospitality Management, so he understands the importance in providing solid technical solutions coupled with amazing customer service.

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