Customer Story: Life HealthCare

The perfect prescription for LifeHealthcare’s ageing infrastructure.


LifeHealthcare (LHC) is one of Australia’s leading independent medical device distributors. LHC’s unique differentiator of offering the scale of a multinational without being constrained by a single foreign parent company has seen the company achieve significant growth since their inception in 2006. With a broad portfolio of products in various channels including Spine, Orthopaedics, Neurovascular Intervention, Plastics & Reconstructive Surgery and more, LHC is an iconic brand within the healthcare industry. Macquarie Cloud Services were one of LHC’s first partners, initially for the management of Mobile services for its entire fleet. More recently, LHC had another pain point. With ageing and out-of-support hardware, LHC were looking at the next step in their IT journey and what options were available.

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Life HealthCare logo | Macquarie Cloud Services

"I was initially nervous when we began our migration, when the day arrived, it just worked. No one internally even knew. That’s how seamless it was and the best migration I’ve ever done. It’s a true testament to Zeljko and the team at Macquarie Cloud Services. "

Matt Slade-Smith,
Group ICT Manager of LHC


LHC commenced evaluating alternatives to its current IT environment with moving workloads to a cloud solution becoming the next logical step. With a longstanding relationship, Macquarie Cloud Services offered two recommendations to embark LHC on its digital transformation journey:

  1. Macquarie Cloud Services’ Launch private cloud offering.
  2. Macquarie Cloud Services’ Managed Azure public cloud solution.

“We initially evaluated Macquarie Cloud Services’ private cloud offering within their data centre and was impressed with the offering. It’s not often you come across an organisation with the full breadth of capability and autonomy. We were also offered the Managed Azure public cloud solution which was compelling and ticked the boxes we were looking for.” Matt mentions.

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LHC decided to explore the Azure offering given they already had a significant Microsoft footprint through O365 and Active Directory.

Furthermore, Macquarie Cloud Services’ strategic relationship with Microsoft, being Australia’s fastest-growing Azure practice, were further reasons LHC explored the Azure offering.

LHC decided to undertake an Azure Discover module. The Azure Discover engagement is designed to uncover an organisations ideal Azure service mix and architecture, covering:

  • Compatibility, dependencies and service mapping
  • Uncovers what LHCs target environment will look like on Azure
  • Hybrid touchpoints and network requirements
  • Support, maintenance and monitoring
  • Migration and operational costs.

“In working through the Azure Discover module, it was made clear that we could consolidate our environment considerably and save on costs. For example, the assessment showed us real areas of optimisation, like not needing to bring across our Citrix legacy servers, reducing our footprint massively. It became a no-brainer for us.” states Matt. In late 2020, LHC decided to consolidate and migrate their entire IT infrastructure to Macquarie Cloud Services’ Managed Azure platform. The Managed Azure solution pairs their expertise with DevOps, reserved instances and cloud cost management to allow organisations to make educated decisions about cloud utilisation and scale.

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The Managed Azure migration was a pivotal step in LHCs digital transformation journey. Now boasting a robust architecture that caters to the highly scalable workload synonymous with the business. Below are a few outcomes LHC now enjoys as a result of this solution:

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Access to Azure solutions and expertise.

With 30+ Azure accredited experts right here in Australia and being one of just five local businesses accredited with Azure Expert MSP status, LHC can utilise Macquarie Cloud Services’ accredited experts as a true extension of team.

Take control of the cloud

Access to Australia’s best customer service.

Being a strategic Microsoft partner, Macquarie Cloud Services has unrivaled Azure support 24x7 based here in Australia.

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Cost savings and optimisation.

The Managed Azure solution provides LHC intimate insights and recommendations of cost optimisation monthly through Macquarie Cloud Services’ advanced cloud management portal.

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Enhanced scalability and flexibility.

LHC has had multiple strategic acquisitions over the last decade resulting in double-digit YoY growth. The Managed Azure solution gives us that scalability and flexibility to dial-up, as required, making it a big bonus for them.

IT Consulting | Macquarie Cloud Services

Protection against threats and visibility into LHC’s security posture.

With criticality and sensitivity around any personal data, LHC is provided local data storage, best practice blueprints and policies that help enforce security and receive alerts when critical incidents are either likely or have occurred.

Services we supplied for LifeHealthCare.


Launch® Private Cloud

Private Cloud Solution


Managed Azure

Expert Azure Solutions & Advice

How Macquarie Cloud Services helped LifeHealthCare seamlessly migrated to Azure.

Having first engaged with the Macquarie Technology Group in 2007, LHC’s journey is much like theirs has evolved, one thing that has never wavered is their focus on NPS. Learn how Macquarie Cloud Services helped them migrate to Azure seamlessly.