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Macquarie Cloud Services Protects Australian Health Data with Government-Grade Cyber Security
|Australians’ sensitive health information will be protected to the same high cyber security standards required by Government agencies even when stored in private clouds, thanks to a new service launched today by Macquarie Cloud Services. Macquarie ...
Are You Coming to the CIO Summit in Perth?
|The CIO Summit in Perth is a fantastic opportunity to gather with other IT leaders, gain insight into technology and from business leaders in Australia and abroad. At this year’s CIO Summit, the focus will be on high-priority IT and business issues...
Partnering to secure the cloud: Macquarie Cloud Services and Trend Micro.
|When it comes to Cloud design and implementation, security isn’t a question. It’s the question. It’s hard. And getting harder. Last year, over 31% of Australian organisations were breached0 and 75% lost data1. New mandatory breach reporting leg...
Google Cloud Partner Interconnect. The Cloud just got one step closer.
|Macquarie Cloud Services today announced support for Google Cloud Partner Interconnect, a service from Google Cloud that allows customers to connect to Google’s Cloud Platform from anywhere. You can now choose Macquarie Cloud Services to provide co...
4 Reasons to Make Time for Macquarie Cloud Services at Gartner IOMDC Summit
|The Gartner IT Infrastructure, Operations Management & Data Centre Summit (IOMDC) is a premier gathering for senior IT and business leaders. It offers a depth and breadth of infrastructure and operations topic coverage that you otherwise can’t find...
Defence-In-Depth Cloud Security. Because part of a solution is no solution at all.
|In an era of mandatory breach reporting, cloud security challenges are growing. But budgets are not. The answer for many is to sweat their assets in Colocation Data Centres to free time, money and t...
Mandatory Breach Reporting. What's Changed and How You'll Know You're Ready.
|Data matters. Where it lives. How it’s managed. And how it’s secured. Yet last year, over 31% of Australian organisation were breached1. So how will you know when you’re ready? New Mandatory Breach Reporting obligations now apply for organisati...
The Rising Cost of Energy-Hungry Data Centres
|Maintaining or upgrading energy-hungry data centres is a struggle. It’s not just you. Something is going on with Australian energy prices. Usage is going down. But prices are skyrocketing. Green energy has been a hot topic for the last decade as ...
Three Reasons You Can’t Miss Macquarie Cloud Services at Cisco Live
|Cisco Live! is a series of global events where IT and communications professionals can come together to share knowledge and skills in events, webcasts, and on-demand sessions. Melbourne is hosting the Australian iteration of Cisco Live! between the 6...
Critical Intel, AMD and ARM Processor Vulnerability Response
|On the 4th of January 2018, details of two critical hardware vulnerabilities Spectre (CVE-2017-5753, CVE-2017-5715) and Meltdown (CVE-2017-5754) emerged that impact the majority of computers running Intel Processors (Spectre and Meltdown), AMD and A...