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Why Using Cloud IaaS as Redundancy is Effective for Every Business
|What is an acceptable risk? It’s the question at the core of every single disaster recovery plan (or lack thereof). How much risk can your company assume before haemorrhaging money? Before losing clients? Before shutting your doors completely? Itâ€...
Cloud Hosting vs. Dedicated Hosting: The Best Answer Is Both
|Data is the most important asset for any business in the world. And it is growing at an exponential rate. It is the basis on which every decision is made that determines the success or failure of an enterprise. That means that the way that an enterpr...
4 Reasons Disaster Recovery is Better in the Cloud
|Whenever you turn on the news, it might feel like there’s a new disaster that’s happening somewhere in the world. Maybe it feels like it will never be you, but the truth is that it’s somebody. And those businesses experiencing that disaster? Ho...
5 Areas You NEED to Master to Ensure Disaster Recovery in the Cloud
|With disasters, appearances may be deceptive. Picture this: your organisation is humming along, sales are rolling in when disaster strikes. Your system goes down for hours. Your employees can’t work and your customers can’t buy products or servic...
4 Reasons Why Testing Is Critical to a Successful Cloud Migration
|Server breakdown, database errors, data loss, application and website crashes, usually encountered by businesses during their journey to the cloud can lead to lost time and resources causing damaged customer relations, loss of employee productivity, ...
The 3 Biggest Differences Between Cloud Hosting and Traditional Hosting (And Why It Matters).
|The talk of cloud hosting solutions is impossible to avoid, but it’s impossible to still not understand the difference between cloud hosting and traditional hosting. Let’s take a look. Traditional hosting comes in two flavours, if you will: dedic...
4 Reasons Why Testing Is Critical to a Successful Cloud Hosting Service Migration
|Server breakdown, database errors, data loss, application and website crashes, usually encountered by businesses during their journey to the cloud can lead to lost time and resources causing damaged customer relations, loss of employee productivity, ...
Cloud Services For Consumption: Maximise Your Returns by Adopting an As-A-Service Model
|McKinsey – in its IT as a Service Cloud and Enterprise Cloud Infrastructure surveys – predicts that organisations are switching away from a build to a consume as-a-service model for corporate IT services. The consulting firm predicts that the a...
Resilient data centres: Water-cooled versus air-cooled?
|Resilient data centres, technology time lapse. I had the opportunity to visit several data centres in Europe this week. They were all pure colocation plays, primarily selling conditioned real estate (data hall space, power and cooling) to large enter...