Take the lead in learning.

Australia's most compliant and secure cloud solutions for Education.

Meet Ben, He’s your Education sector expert.

Keep up with the demand of online learning.

Supporting the education sector focus on teaching the leaders of tomorrow.

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With limited operating budgets, focusing on effective IT solutions for schools and universities is vital. School ICT Directors are being asking to do more with less.

Comprehensive analysis icon

Changing landscape.

Ever changing compliance regulations to keep data safe and secure whilst adhering to government mandated data retention policies.

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Complex architecture.

Whether it cost, cyber security or changing requirements managing the architecture can be daunting and exhaustive whilst managing the student and teacher IT experience.

Solution Fit.


Let our team be your team

We can manage your IT strategy so you can manage the staff and student experience.


Be prepared for the future

Our Trusted Advisors leverage tried and tested education sector architectures.


Prioritise data security

With federal-grade security the data of your staff and students have never been in safer hands.


Work with the best

Learn from and leverage our strategic partnerships to deliver the solutions you deserve.

How cloud computing’s helping educational institutions cope in a COVID-19 world

How Covid forced the education sector to pivot.

“…COVID-19 might be the driver for current demand, yet the remote learning trend will extend well beyond this challenge. Having the ability to teach students regardless of their location will help institutions to become much more flexible in the way curriculums are designed and delivered in years to come…”

We've earned the trust of leading educational institutions, we'd like to earn yours.

“…Through our partnership with Macquarie Telecom we have focused on achieving economies of scale; in the long term saving us millions of dollars without having to invest in building our own facilities or managing them…”

Steve McEwan,
Technical Services Manager, UTS
Read the case study

Macquarie Cloud Services provide colocation cloud hosting and cloud services for University of Technology Sydney (UTS)

Australia’s most recommended cloud provider is here to tell you about how you can have the most agile Learning Management Systems and School Management Systems in the country, harnessing the power of cloud hosting.

Supporting brands across Australia to realise their potential through IT.

Get in touch.

Drop us your details, tell us a little about what you’re trying to achieve and we’ll have one of our experts get in touch.