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Azure Answered - Windows Virtual Desktop in Azure
|In July 2020, Microsoft announced General Availability (GA) of the new ARM-based deployment model known during the preview as “WVD Spring Update” as “Windows Virtual Desktop” (WVD) and the old pre-ARM based model was renamed to “Windows Vir...
What flexibility are you, as an MSP offering your customers today?
|I have been observing over the past couple of weeks how businesses in Sydney are coming out of their COVID slumber. They are being more responsive and opening their books again. It’s great to see movement again! This leads me to my question today a...
3 customer challenges MSPs need to be aware of, in a post COVID world
|There is no doubt about it – just as every walk of life is different post COVID, so are customers’ needs, wants and demands.. But how are they different? As an MSP, you are a valuable resource to your customers but how can you stay relevant? Wh...
Graduating from the Graduate Program- Jake's story
|Almost two years ago to the day, I began my journey at Macquarie Cloud Services working in the Hosting Management Centre (HMC). In Macquarie Cloud Services, I found a company willing to offer a wide eyed graduate a chance. With a clearly laid out pat...
Are you a managed service provider? Are you an infrastructure provider? Or are you trying to do both?
|IT is complex, and this is one of the key drivers for many organisations to outsource their IT requirements to infrastructure providers and managed service providers (MSPs). In this ultra-competitive environment, companies want to take advantage of a...
10 years in, Evgeny shares his cloud services story
|Meet Evgeny Bogatyr (we call him Ev). He’s been with us for 10 years. What a journey! How different is the company today compared to when you started? I was hired as a graduate engineer whilst still completing my Bachelor of Science in IT course at...
Macquarie Cloud Services achieves Microsoft Azure Advanced Specialisation
|It was only February this year when Macquarie Cloud Services publicly launched its Managed Services offering at Microsoft Ignite Sydney. We’ve strategically partnered with Microsoft and believe that Azure is the public cloud solution for our custom...
The Macquarie Cloud Services Graduate Program through my eyes.
|My graduate employment journey started just 3 months ago in the Hosting Management Centre (HMC) as part of the Macquarie Cloud Services Graduate Program. After completing interviews with my team leader, manager, Head of Hosting Operations as well ...
How we became world's best at delivering customer experience
|The simple answer is we placed ‘it’ at the centre of all we do. And by ‘it’ I mean a positive customer experience. As one of our values, a KPI for all staff and our service centres showcasing NPS in real-time to all engineers – customer ser...
Managed Services Innovation of the Year for Azure
|8 months after our Azure practice signed a strategic agreement with Microsoft we have some more great news: we have won the Managed Services Innovation of the Year award at the annual Global Telecom (Glotel) Awards.