Accelerating Migration to Microsoft Azure.

Migrating virtual machines and applications to Microsoft Azure can seem daunting. With nearly 200 native Azure services, there’s always multiple ways of achieving an outcome.

As experts in cloud migration, Macquarie Cloud Services will build the Azure landing zone, project manage the migration, then, enroll your Azure resources in our award-winning Azure Managed services where we support, monitor, govern and drive the right functional and cost outcomes.

When you’re ready we’ll help you understand the full breadth of Azure and how it can best serve you and your customer’s needs.

To assist you on your journey to Microsoft Azure, Macquarie Cloud Services will guide you through the following 6 stages of our Azure adoption process, based on Microsoft’s Cloud Adoption Framework.

Migrations made easier thanks to
the Cloud Adoption Framework.

Over the years we have spent time crafting our migration and deployment methodologies. When it comes to Azure we adhere to Microsoft’s Cloud Adoption Framework.

Read all about our methodology.

Azure Adoption.

We help you through the following Azure adoption phases.

  • 1


    In conjunction with you, we create a strategy covering landing zone design, workload selection and prioritisation, and consider the internal and commercial implications of adopting Microsoft Azure.

  • 2


    After workshopping the existing environment with you, we construct a migration plan covering all in-scope workloads and migration iterations. We'll map out the security and migration risks and consider any dependencies.

  • 3


    When you're ready to execute, we establish an initial Azure landing zone and ready the source environment for migration using a mix of native and 3rd party tools.

  • 4


    The migration begins. We'll execute the resource migration on your behalf, targeting the pre-established Azure landing zone.

  • 5

    Govern and Manage

    Once acceptance testing is complete, the environment moves into run state. Macquarie Cloud Services' management framework comes into play and provides you with automated OS Updates, monitoring and alerting, dashboarding, cost reporting and governance. We'll periodically meet with you to ensure the environment is optimised and drive continuous improvement.

  • 6


    Once landed you in Azure, the journey has just begun. We'll introduce you to additional Azure services and advise how you can best utilise those services.

Cloud Migration Practice.

Macquarie Cloud Services have partnered with customers on their journey to the cloud for 15 years. We know what it takes to move you out of on-premise colocation or private cloud environments into Microsoft Azure swiftly and with minimal downtime.

Macquarie Cloud Services’ range of hybrid network products and services covering Internet, Cloud Services Gateway, VPN and SD-WAN provide the building blocks for a hybrid network topology. For best results, we establish an ExpressRoute connecting your on-premise network gateway to Azure providing for a low latency, highly available backbone for the basis of migration.

We leverage Microsoft native and 3rd-party tools to deliver your workloads to Microsoft Azure.

Our Approach.

Our Azure expert certified Principal Consultants will understand the journey you’re on, design and architect a migration strategy for Windows, SQL Server and other workloads and present you with a facilitated migration plan complete with Azure Managed Services. We closely follow Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework.

Quality Services you can trust.

We'll provide you with round-the-clock support, expert advice, governance and security through our advanced operational framework. You're not going to get all that buying Azure direct. Here's where Macquarie Cloud Services can help.

  • Customer support icon

    24x7 Support.

    Round the clock Azure support from our Hosting Management Centre (HMC) with access to Microsoft Premier support queues.

  • Trusted advice icon

    Trusted Advice.

    Advice on tap to help you deliver the outcomes your business needs.

  • Certified environment

    Certified Environments.

    Whether it's PCI-DSS, ISO-27001, GDPR or other compliance requirements, we'll work with you to ensure the boxes are ticked.

  • Hybrid cloud icon

    Hybrid Cloud.

    We'll help connect the dots. Enable endless possibilities by enabling hybrid cloud connecting Microsoft Azure to Macquarie's Cloud then to your sites.

What is Azure Cloud Services?

Azure Cloud Services is a managed service that makes it easier to deploy and manage websites, web apps and APIs. Azure Cloud Services helps you focus on application development and business logic instead of managing servers and infrastructure. It means you can create and deploy new instances of your applications as needed, without having to worry about the underlying hardware or software. Macquarie Cloud Services can provide your organisation with Azure Cloud Services as part of an ongoing managed services contract.

Speak with one of our consultants to find out how Azure Cloud Services can work for your business.

Azure experts

Expert advice to the moon and back.

By taking the Azure Public Cloud journey with Macquarie Cloud Services, you’ll have access to Microsoft Azure experts who are ready to provide you and your team with unparalleled architectural, migration and deployment assistance.

We work with you to integrate Azure into your business in a way that meets your needs.

Looking for an expert migration to Azure?

Drop us your details, tell us a little about what you’re trying to achieve and we’ll have one of our Azure experts get in touch.

Frequently Asked Questions.